#UBC Kaz
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untitledbandcomic · 11 months ago
UBC#3 - A Haven Takes Hard Work
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{ID - a comic titled, 'UBC#3 - A Haven Takes Hard Work', featuring four characters (Laurie, Kaz, J and KC). Full ID under cut. END ID}
Alt. Title - Laurie Takes A Chance On Some Rando That Invited Them To His Glorified Basement.
Full ID: A comic featuring Laurie Alistair, Kaz, J and KC, all located within a dingy, run-down club (Dreamscape).
J crouches to lift a cardboard box as he says, "Listen. You look smart. You should leave." The box is held the wrong way up.
J looks with melancholy over at KC, who has gotten Kaz to help him pin up a progress pride flag over a nasty looking black spot on the wall. J continues to speak, "I just got carried away trying to make... yknow... a haven?"
There is a pause, before Laurie looks down at his phone, dialling a number. "Very well," he says. He looks up to smile at J, who looks shocked, blushing slightly, "I'll call in a favour or two. You should get ready for some hard graft."
Character Descriptions:
Laurie Alistair (he/she/they) is a tall, broad-shouldered white person with long ginger and grey hair in a ponytail. He has green-grey eyes and thick eyebrows. Here, he wears a brown suit with a matching tie, and a single green earring that dangles from his right ear. He has painted red nails.
Kaz (she/they) is a short, fat black person with a lavender buzzcut. She has teal eyes and vitiligio in patches over her eyes, top lip, each side of her neck and on her underarms. Here, she wears a sleeveless cropped shirt with a spiderweb design. She wears red headphones with antennae on the cups.
J (he/him) is a tall, thin mixed man with ginger hair under a green beanie, and a matching ginger goatee. He has blue eyes. Here, he wears a tight fit navy turtleneck.
KC (he/him) is a short, muscled white person with white blonde hair cut into a fluffy mullet, with two larger spikes that look like cat ears. He has hazel eyes. Here, a blue vest over a charcoal grey binder and black biker shorts. He also wears red sweatbands on his forehead and wrists, and matching red shoes.
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heavenprotect-m · 2 years ago
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your heart is very lonely, isn’t it? is your fortress of ice self-made? are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that’s no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. you will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘. @red9 thanks uwu 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆. @gviirus ( wesker ! ) , @tviirus ( leon ! ) , @viruslearnt ( ada + kaz ! ) , @heavenmcde , @iknowwhataradiois , @ubcs ( carlos ! ) , @squarecranks ( claire ! ) , @onlydied ( lucas ! ) and whoever wants to do this !
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untitledbandcomic · 2 years ago
UBC#2 - Paid in Exposure (to Asbestos)
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{ID - six panel comic titled, 'UBC#2 - Paid in Exposure (to Asbestos)', featuring four characters (Laurie, Kaz, J and KC). Full ID under cut. END ID}
we're not talking about the month between these pages. i said low comittment for a reason. anyway if this happens to you IRL you run ok? yea.
Full ID: Six panel comic featuring Laurie Alistair, Kaz, J and KC, all located within a dingy, run-down club (Dreamscape).
J laughs bashfully and says, "So, uh... When I said this was a new venue... heh." Laurie stares back at J, fingers steepled as he processes. "SO. Let me clarify: You spent ALL your funds on a sign." He points both hands at J and closes his eyes, almost looking like he's praying. In the background, Kaz has stepped in something brown and sticky. They cry out, "LAURIEEE I'm gonna DIE here"
Laurie continues: "And you want Kaz to recoup the costs with a show... tomorrow..." He gestures around to the room, finally snapping slightly and looking stunned and slightly terrified. "HERE?!" J tries to respond, "It'll look BRAND NEW by tomorrow, trust me!"
KC enters the club carrying a large cardboard box. He looks oblivious to the conversation, and carries on a long, loud, non-stop monologue as he enters: "Hey J Babe Where D'You Want The Mould Remover They Didn't Have Enough So I Had To Go To Two Different Stores Your Change's In The Thingy In The Car OH. Also I Think That Maybe That Plumber Was A Crook Because The-" KC finally notices the newcomers and cuts himself off to greet them brightly: "Ah! You guys are the performers, right? Hi! I'm KC!"
Character Descriptions:
Laurie Alistair (he/she/they) is a tall, broad-shouldered white person with long ginger and grey hair in a ponytail. He has green-grey eyes and thick eyebrows. Here, he wears a brown suit with a matching tie, and a single green earring that dangles from his right ear.
Kaz (she/they) is a short, fat black person with a lavender buzzcut. She has teal eyes and vitiligio in patches over her eyes, top lip, each side of her neck and on her underarms. Here, she wears a short sleeved red leather jacket and matching boots. She wears red headphones with antennae on the cups.
J (he/him) is a tall, thin mixed man with ginger hair under a green beanie, and a matching ginger goatee. He has blue eyes. Here, he wears a tight fit navy turtleneck. He also has a silver ball tongue piercing.
KC (he/him) is a short, muscled white person with white blonde hair cut into a fluffy mullet, with two larger spikes that look like cat ears. He has hazel eyes. Here, he wears a red tracksuit with gold accents, black biker shorts, and a blue vest. He also wears a matching red sweatband.
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untitledbandcomic · 8 months ago
should probably make a pinned post for this blog
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i'm teddy this is my dumb webcomic about four gay idiots that updates whenever the fuck i like
kaz and laurie alistair are trying to get kaz's indie musician career on the tracks with lowkey events wherever'll take them. j and kaycee are trying to start a gay club called DREAMSCAPE and launch j's DJ career. surely these plans will go perfectly.
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updates in chronological order here
character pages here
doodles & unconnected comics here
you can search by character using their tags below
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untitledbandcomic · 2 years ago
UBC#1 - False Expectations
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{ID - four panel comic titled, 'UBC#1 - False Expectations', featuring three characters (Laurie, Kaz, and J). Full ID under cut. END ID}
this is going to be the lowest commitment webcomic ever but like it's gonna exist when i can draw for it. meet these idiots.
Full ID: Four panel comic featuring Laurie Alistair, Kaz, and J.
Laurie Alistair and Kaz walk together down an alleyway at night. Kaz walks ahead, as Laurie talks at length. "He said it's quiet. Maybe not great for finding die hard fans, but your anxie-" Kaz cuts him off, "Got it."
They continue down the alleyway. Kaz takes a moment to adjust the cherry red guitar in her arms and talk to herself, saying, 'Just... Be calm.'
Cut to the main road. A club that borders the alleyway spills light onto the pavement. From down the alleyway (revealed to be covered in oil spills and moss), Laurie asks, "You ready?" Kaz responds sharply, "YES."
The sign of the club is shown in full, revealing the name: DREAMSCAPE.
The pair enter the club to see J standing in a shabby, run-down room. Stained and torn wallpaper peels from the wall, revealing brickwork underneath. J beams, presenting the room proudly, and calling out, "WELCOME!" Kaz stares wordlessly, a gasp of air escaping her. To himself, Laurie whispers, 'Oh no.'
Character Descriptions: Laurie Alistair (he/she/they) is a tall, broad-shouldered white person with long ginger and grey hair in a ponytail. He has green-grey eyes and thick eyebrows. Here, he wears a brown suit with a matching tie, and a single green earring that dangles from his right ear.
Kaz (she/they) is a short, fat black person with a lavender buzzcut. She has teal eyes and vitiligio in patches over her eyes, top lip, each side of her neck and on her underarms. Here, she wears a spiderweb pattern croptop with a short sleeved red leather jacket and matching boots. The boots and jacket both have a white cherry insignia on. She wears red headphones with antennae on the cups.
J (he/him) is a tall, thin mixed man with ginger hair under a green beanie, and a matching ginger goatee. He has blue eyes. Here, he wears skinny blue trousers with a check pattern, and a tight fit navy turtleneck.
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